Buy a flock of plastic flamingos

Buy animal yard card signs

Where did those wacky plastic flamingos come from?  Did it involve drugs or alcohol? Who was Don Featherstone? Flamingo Father, that's who! He's the designer of the original plastic flamingo. Read History of the plastic flamingo.

All Don Featherstone animals are no longer made.
Buy original Don Featherstone plastic flamingos
Buy original Don Feathestone black bats
Buy original Don Featheerstone dinosaurs
Buy plastic flamingo flock. Original Featherstone 3D plastic flamingos. These 30" tall birds are collector items.  Box of 16 flamingos (w/legs) - $260

Learn about the history of the "original plastic flamingos".
"22" wide, 3D molded plastic black bat is also a Don Featherstone collectible original. With shiny amber eyes, he can be hung right side up or upside down. ox of 8 bats - $96
This Featherstone dinosaur is rare, 30" long, 19" high, 3D molded plastic. Included rod for outdoor and stand for indoor locations. Box of 8 dinosaurs (w/rods & stands) - $260
Buy frog yard card signs
Buy a rare Don Featherstone penguin
Buy fish yard card signs
18" wide with rods 15 frogs - $135
This rare penguin is another Don Featherstonedesign. 22" tall, 12" dia. $50 ea.
24" wide w/rod yellow, blue, orange
15 fish (w/rods)- $180
15 fish (no rods) - $145

Buy misc. yard card signs

Buy shamrock yard card signs
Buy flame yard card signs
Buy star yard card signs
18" wide shamrock w/rod 15 shamrocks (w/rods) - $135
24" tall flame w/rod 15 flames (w/rods) - $160 15 flames (no rods) - $ 135
20" wide star w/rod 15 stars (W/rods) - $180 15 stars (no rods) - $145
Buy heart yard card signs
Buy smiley face yard card signs
Buy big kisses yard card signs
19" diameter heart w/rod 15 hearts (w/rods) - $135 15 hearts (no rods) - $105
18" dia. smiley face w/rod 15 smileys (w/rods) - $180 15 smileys (no rods) - $145
24" wide big red lips w/rod 15 kisses (w/rods) - $160 15 kisses (no rods) - $120
Buy graduation cap yard signs
Buy big number yard card signs
Buy tombstone yard signs
19" wide grad cap w/rod
15 caps (w/rods) - $160
15 caps (no rods) - $120
19" tall #10,15,16,18,21
15 numbers (w/rods) - $135
15 numbers (no rods) - $110

19" tall #20,40,50,60,70
15 double numbers (w/rods) - $157
15 double numbers (no rods) - $130
RIP, DEAD & GONE 24" tall tombstone
15 tombstones (w/rods) - $170
15 tombstones (no rods) - $145

Buy sports yard card signs

Buy soccer ball yard signs
Buy tennis ball yard signs
Buy baseball yard card signs
18" in dia. soccer ball (w/rod) 15 soccer balls (w/rods) - $190
18" in dia. tennis ball (w/rod) 15 tennis balls (w/rods) - $145 15 tennis balls (w/o rods) - $110
18" in dia. baseball w/rod 15 baseballs (w/rods) - $145
To purchase bulk flamingos or yard card signs, call our office. 480-483-3200 to discuss availability. To order a yard card sign delivery order online here.

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